Adipampa Road, V. V. Mohalla, Mysuru, India


Expert endodontics services are carried out in our clinic. They have a wide experience in this regard. The most common procedure done in endodontics is root-canal therapy, which involves the removal of diseased pulp tissue. The aim of treatment is to remove infection caused by bacteria from inside the tooth. We use anesthesia to make the procedure pain-free. An opening is made on the top of the tooth, then the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned and shaped for filling and sealing. The permanent filling is followed by new crown.

Why is the Root Canal performed?

The pulp is the living tissue of the tooth with blood supply and nerve supply. Once the dental caries (decay ) involves the pulp, the pulp gets infected causing pain. The aim of the root canal treatment is to remove the infected pulp. This is done by removing the infected pulp with files in the pulp chamber and cleaning and shaping the root canals and sealing the canal with a filling material.

The story of root canal therapy

Each tooth has a soft tissue - the pulp which nourishes the tooth. Because of deep decay, injury, or gum disease, the pulp tissue in your tooth has become inflamed or infected. In any other part of your body, if a similar tissue becomes diseased, the body merely throws it off and forms new tissue. However, a tooth is a unique and different. Because the infected soft tissue (pulp) within the tooth is totally encased within hard tissue, it is the role of the dentist to remove the soft tissue located in the root canals, cleanse the area, and finally fill the canals with a special material so that bacteria cannot re-enter the tooth to cause another infection. When the endodontic treatment is complete, the tooth is by no means "dead". It receives quite adequate support from the surrounding tissues and may be expected to last as long as any other natural tooth.

  • STEP 1: After the tooth is anesthetized, an opening is made through the crown into the pulp chamber.
  • STEP 2: The length of the root canals is determined.
  • STEP 3: Unhealthy pulp is removed. Canals are cleaned and shaped.
  • STEP 4: Canals are filled and sealed. A metal post may be added for structural support or to retain restorative materials.
  • STEP 5: The tooth is sealed with a temporary filling. Usually a crown adds further protection.

Nothing is as good as a natural tooth! And sometimes your natural tooth may need endodontic (root canal) treatment for it to remain a healthy part of your mouth. Most patients report that having endodontic (root canal) treatment today is as easy as having a cavity filled. Expert endodontics services are carried out in our clinic. They have a wide experience in this regard.)

Root-canal treatment is a highly successful treatment. The success rate is as high as 95-98%.

Only 2-3% of cases may require additional treatment. Complication of root-canal treatment involves reinfection of pulp which can be treated by root-canal treatment, in some cases if the tooth is highly damaged and infected it may need removal (Extraction).

So the tooth can be saved by root-canal surgery and patients chewing ability can be restored.


REHABILITATING THE ROOT CANAL TREATED TOOTH: Placement of crown is mandatory after root-canal therapy. Since the tooth becomes brittle after root-canal therapy and due to decay lot of tooth structure needs to be removed, placement of full or partial coverage restoration is a must.

In some teeth where there is extensive loss of tooth structure sometimes POST AND CORE treatment is necessary to restore the tooth structure. There are different types of posts available such has metal post, fibre post, cast post etc. Reinforcement of the tooth can be successfully done by properly selecting case and post and core technique.)


Dont hide your SMILE on the biggest day of your life. It's the most important thing for you and we can make you smile better.

